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Rubber + Printy = Endless Possibilities

In 1839, an American self-taught chemist and manufacturing engineer by the name of Charles Goodyear stumbled upon the process for rubber vulcanization when he discovered that combining rubber and sulfur over a hot stove caused the material to become pliable, waterproof and moldable. This discovery would revolutionize how many products were made, including footwear, tires (the Goodyear Tire Company is name after Charles Goodyear) and yes, stamps.

The original rubber stamp is credited to James Woodruff, who, around 1866, adapted vulcanized rubber to letter molds. Before vulcanized rubber was invented, stamps utilized brass dies that, when combined with ink could mark on surfaces, or when combined with hot wax, could be used to seal envelopes or certify important documentation. Rubber dies were cheaper and easier to make and provided a superior impression.

Over a hundred and fifty years later, rubber stamps are common place. They are utilized in homes, offices, schools, factories, warehouses and are used to mark important documents, sign cards, identify parts on an assembly line, create works of art and so much more. It’s hard to image a Trodat Printy without a rubber die.

So, what kind of Printy would YOU create?

During our March 20in20 Printy promotion users will have a chance to win $250 worth of Trodat laser rubber (props to Mr. Goodyear) and photopolymer production supplies. Winning would be a perfect opportunity to test out our new Aero+ laser rubber if you haven't already, or experiment with new negative production methods using Trodat photopolymer products. Practice makes perfect and you could end up making the best Printy possible!

So, if you haven't already, visit the Printy 20in20 page on and enter for your chance to win!

Wikipedia contributors. "Charles Goodyear." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 26 Feb. 2020. Web. 28 Feb. 2020.


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