A properly made flash stamp cannot leak!
Leaking is the least common flash production issue, but it is also the messiest when it does happen. Whether it’s leaking out from a bottle or a flash stamp, ink can be incredibly time consuming and difficult to clean up.
So, what causes leaking and how does one prevent it?
The primary reason a flash stamp would leak is over-inking at the time of assembly. The flash material is designed to hold a certain amount of ink, and by overloading the foam, ink will leak out around the edges. Fortunately, adding the proper amount of ink is a simple process with the MaxLight stamps. If you are unsure on this process, please contact your Trodat Representative and they will guide you through the steps that will result in beautiful, non-leaking flash stamp.
Consistency of Filling Speed
Similar to over-inking, the consistency in the speed of filling the ink cavity is important. If you ink too slowly, the foam will absorb too much ink causing a problem. This is more common when using MaxLight Forever Ink, which has a thinner formula compared to MaxLight Premium Ink. Be sure to keep your ink bottle moving at a steady pace when inking to eliminate consistency problems.
Uneven Production Surfaces
Because we are filling the cavities with a liquid, it is important your work area is level. Uneven production surfaces will cause the ink to pool at one side and overwhelm the edges, causing it to leak. Making sure your work area is clean and level will not only help you prevent leaks, but will also improve your production efficiency overall.
Damaged Foam or Cartridge
Damaged foam or cartridge material can not only cause leaking, but could affect your impression quality and cause other production issues as well. If the materials are warped or bent, ink will flow through the gap and make a mess. Prevent this by making a quick visual inspection of your materials prior to inking.
It doesn’t take much ink to make a mess, and a leaking flash stamp can release a good amount of it. Fortunately, a leaking flash stamp is probably the easiest problem to prevent. Follow the Trodat production guidelines, make sure your work area is set up properly and that your materials are in good condition, and you should not have any issues.
The MaxLight S-Style production video below shows just how easy producing Trodat flash stamps can be.
We hope that in the unlikely event you do experience a flash production issue, this troubleshooting series has provided some insight into what the cause, and solution, may be. Even so, Trodat flash technicians are always available to answer any questions you have when it comes to flash stamps or flash stamp production.
In addition, we also have an extensive library of How-To instructional videos available to you, 24/7 on TrodatOM.com and on our Trodat USA YouTube channel as well.
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